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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'Curious Case Of Benjamin Button' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
23 matches in composers
  1. Michael Case Kissel
  2. Benjamin Bartlett
  3. Benjamin Wynn
  4. Benjamin Ribolet
  5. Benjamin Esdraffo
  6. Nigel Benjamin
  7. Benjamin Zecker
  8. Benjamin Barthelemy
  9. Benjamin Stefanski
  10. Benjamin Talbott
  11. Benjamin Woodgates
  12. Benjamin Gibbard
  13. Benjamin Wallfisch
  14. Sir Arthur Benjamin
  15. Benjamin Biolay
  16. Benjamin Raffaelli
  17. Benjamin Frankel
  18. Benjamin Britten
  19. Benjamin John Power
  20. Jean-Marie Benjamin
Show all 23 matching composers
1316 matches in tracks
  1. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Postcards / Daisy's Ballet Career (04:48)
    from Film Music 2009
  2. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Postcards / Daisy's Ballet Career (04:48)
    from Avatar
  3. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Postcards / Daisy's Ballet Career (04:48)
    from Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen
  4. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Postcards / Daisy's Ballet Career (04:48)
    from Låt Den Rätte Komma In
  5. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Postcards / Daisy's Ballet Career (04:48)
    from Valkyrie
  6. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Postcards / Daisy's Ballet Career (04:48)
    from Revolutionary Road
  7. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Postcards / Daisy's Ballet Career (04:48)
    from Drag Me To Hell
  8. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Postcards / Daisy's Ballet Career (04:48)
    from Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, The
  9. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Postcards / Daisy's Ballet Career (04:48)
    from Defiance
  10. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Postcards / Daisy's Ballet Career (04:48)
    from Slumdog Millionaire
  11. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Postcards / Daisy's Ballet Career (04:48)
    from Twilight Saga: New Moon, The
  12. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Postcards / Daisy's Ballet Career (04:48)
    from Star Trek
  13. The Curious Case of Stewart's Buttons (00:41)
    from Earth Days
  14. "How Old Are You?" (00:12)
    from Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, The
    Benjamin Button & The Preacher
  15. "Things Were Becoming Different For Me..." (00:17)
    from Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, The
    Benjamin Button
  16. "My Name Is Benjamin" (00:21)
    from Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, The
    Benjamin Button
  17. "Thanksgiving, 1930" (00:08)
    from Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, The
    Benjamin Button
  18. "Defined By Opportunities" (00:05)
    from Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, The
    Benjamin Button
  19. "Coming Home" (00:12)
    from Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, The
    Benjamin Button
  20. The Curious Case Of The Upside-Down Room* / Pistol Practice* (05:32)
    from Private Life Of Sherlock Holmes, The
Show all 1316 matching tracks